Our first two weeks were fantastic!
Read on to learn about this Blog...
Our Gang the first week!
About This Blog
We've gone green! This blog will replace any paper newsletter from my room. Please go to the "Follow by e-mail" tab on the right hand side of this page and sign up to receive an e-mail alert every time I update the classroom blog. This will allow you to see any new pictures I post of your child and also allow you to receive any important news regarding field trips, homework, special events and classroom happenings.E-mail address:
My e-mail address is farmer@bpsk12.org Please feel free to contact me whenever you have a question or concern and I will do my best to get back to the same day. Please call the office with any emergencies as I don't always have a chance to check my email or phone until the end of the day. You may also call the room at extension 6817 to leave a voice message, but since the ringer is off during the day, I often don't realize that there is a message until the students leave -- so please call the office with emergencies.Helpful Links
Please notice the various links on the right hand side of this page. There are links for field trip photos, free websites, resources, etc. I will update them regularly and try to alert you to any new additions and/or changes. Please sign up as a follower to receive e-mails alerting you to updates and new blog posts.IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER:
Open House: September 20th
October 5: Field Trip to the Farm
Sept. 21st Deadline for Field Trip Permission Forms/Payment
November 28: Progress Reports Go home
December 3: Elementary Parent/Teacher Conference with your child's reading teacher. No school for students on this day.
CORI Reports and Confidentiality:
Please know that field trip chaperones and any classroom helper must have a CORI report filled out with Central Office and attend a Confidentiality meeting with Susan Astone.PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES:
Please remember that Parent Teacher conferences are held with your child's READING teacher. However, if I see any concerns in math, social studies, science or social skills, I will contact you for an additional conference with me. Also, please know that I am always available to meet with you before or after school on any day (except Thursday afternoons) if you have a pressing concern that you need to discuss. And please always feel free to e-mail, send in a note or call if you need to touch base at any time. I love to hear from you, so please don't hesitate to call or contact me via e-mail.
Fun in the Classroom!
Making Our Paper People
Introducing the i-pads
Making Apple Glyphs
Building Towers with Linking Cubes
First we use the interactive Smartboard to learn a math game...
...then we play the game with a partner at our seats.