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Friday, October 12, 2012

Field Trip Photos, New i-pad math, etc

Our Fun Trip to the Farm

Thanks to the generosity of the parents who gave their time and energy to come and chaperone this trip, our first field trip was fun, fun fun!  (Thanks also to those of you who volunteered to chaperone but were not chosen for this trip -- don't worry, there are more to come!)

Click on "Field Trip photos" on the right sidebar to see all of the pictures from this trip.  

New Math Program Using I-pads!

We are very excited and fortunate to have a new math program in our classroom to complement our current math program, Investigations.  The program is called ST math and it is designed to teach mathematical concepts on the i-pad!  Our classroom has been chosen to pilot this math program -- a program which teaches math concepts with visuals alone.  

ST Math instructional software is a research-proven, comprehensive, grade-level math program designed by neuroscientists.  The ST stands for Spatial- Temporal (ST) reasoning.  This is the innate ability to visualize and manipulate images through a sequence of steps in space and time.  Through visual learning, each student will problem-solve and formulate mathematical understanding.  

ST Math is a self-paced learning program that engages all students. It targets each student individually -- reaching both those who struggle to learn math through traditional materials and methods, while also extending the learning for others with challenging activities.  

Your child will be using ST Math for about 60 minutes a week this school year.  You will most likely hear your child talk a lot about JiJi the penguin.  Jiji the penguin accompanies your child throughout the program and helps to make ST Math even more fun and engaging for your child!

To learn more about ST Math go to

Second Step Social Skills Program
The Guidance Counselor Mrs. Logan has begun to come to our classroom to teach social skills to the class.  Mrs. Logan comes into class twice a month to teach about friendship, feelings and conflict resolution through games, stories and role play.  She recently read a book entitled ONE which illustrated how just one person can make a difference in the life of another child through kindness.

We have also been reading other social skills books at Morning Meeting.  One of the children's favorite books is called How Full Is Your Bucket by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer.  Ask your child how (s)he has learned to be a "bucket filler."  You may be surprised by the answers.

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