Holiday Fun
The first grade is planning an entire week of holiday activities for the last week prior to Winter Break. The first graders will be switching rooms each afternoon to learn about holiday traditions. Each room will focus on a different activity for a different holiday -- including Hanukkah, Diwali, Eid and Christmas. We will highlight how many of these holidays are celebrated with lights. As always, if you have a special tradition your child would like to share, please contact me! We always encourage the sharing of family traditions!
Pajama Day -- Wednesday, December 21st
Your children are invited to wear their pajamas to school on Wednesday, December 21st. (Please send in a set of clothes for them to change into for outdoor recess). On this day we will also read The Polar Express and serve them hot chocolate and cookies prepared by the cafeteria (so they are allergy-free).
As part of a nationwide effort to entice and teach children how to code, our Technology Specialist Mrs. Ardizonni came into our classroom to teach our students how to code using an developmentally-appropriate web program involving Angry Birds. The program can be used at home on any device. You can go to to access the program and have your child show you how to use it. Below are some photos of the children learning and practicing how to code on their iPads.
The children are really enjoying ST Math at school. I have just opened up more homework sessions for them to do at home, but as, always, they are free to replay their favorites for added practice!