...and you will see usernames and passwords for two additional homework resources for your child. These are "additional" resources and are not mandatory. However, they do help reinforce concepts taught in school and children seem to love them! Your son or daughter can now access the following:
This Vocabulary Spelling City website and/or app will gain you instant access to the first grade "trick words" through fun and engaging games. The children particularly like Hang Mouse. It is recommended that you begin practicing the Unit 2 and 3 words first. The website/app provides a spelling test for these words. Your child can practice the words which they spell incorrectly and then move onto the next level. Or they can continue to practice those unit words through various games for additional exposure. It's fun and the children seem to love it!
The i-ready program can only be accessed via a computer or laptop. The child's lasid number has been provided on the given sheet so that your child may login to a program which is specifically designed for YOUR child's own level of reading. Once they master a level, it will automatically move onto the next level.
You may have heard your child mention JiJi the Penguin to you. JiJi is the penguin who helps lead your child through various math problems. The ST in STmath stands for Spacial Temporal as there are no words in STmath! Rather, children are encouraged to watch and figure out what JiJi is asking them to do. So PLEASE do not help your child right away with STmath. The learning is in the trial and error attempts which present a "healthy frustration" for your child. Give it time and watch your child figure it out for themselves. There are little dots which appear at the bottom of your child's screen. These dots indicate your child's failed attempts. Please allow at least 5-9 of these dots to appear before offering help. Chances are that they will figure it out for themselves! Trust me!
There are step-by-step directions in your child's folder which will help you to log onto STmath. STmath can be accessed by either on a computer or through an app on a tablet. Games which have already been taught in class have been assigned in homework. More games will be opened up for home use as the year proceeds. Your child can also replay a favorite game -- what better way to reinforce a math concept! Have fun!